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- Gui C, Zhang Y, Xia J, Wang J, et al. "Experimental demonstration of analog signal transmission in a silicon photonic crystal L3 resonator." Optics Express, 2015, 23 (10):13916-13923. (Contributed equally)
- Yan S, Zhang Y, Dong J, Xia J, et al. "Operation Bandwidth Optimization of Photonic Differentiators." Optics Express. (Accepted, unpublished) (Contributed equally)
- Zhang Y., He Y., Jiang X., Liu B., Qiu C., and Su Y., "Ultra-compact Broadband Silicon Polarization Beam Splitter Based on a Bridged Bent Directional Coupler," in Proc. International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 2016, paper THP18
- Zhang Y., He Y., Jiang X., Liu B., Qiu C., and Su Y., "Ultra-compact and Highly Efficient Polarization Splitter and Rotator Based on a Silicon Bent Directional Coupler," in Proc. ECOC, 2016, Th1B.4.
- Zhang Y., He Y., Wu J., Liu R., Qiu C., and Su Y., "High-Extinction-Ratio and Fabrication-Tolerant Polarization Beam Splitter based on Grating-Assisted Contradirectional Couplers," in Proc. OFC, 2016, paper Tu3E.2
- Zhang Y, Zeng C, Xia J, et al. "High-quality-factor photonic crystal ring resonator and its application to silicon-based light emitter." in: IEEE 11th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), 2014. WP10.
- Zhang Y, Li D, Xia J, et al. "An On-chip All Silicon Passive Optical Diode Based on Photonic crystal L3 Cavities." in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2014. STu3M.7.
- Zhang Y, Xia J. "Photonic crystal naocavities and its application in Si-based light-emitting devices." in: 5TH International Conference and Satellite Schooling on Si Photonics, 2013. WP2.
- Long Y, Zhang Y, Xia J, Wang J, et al. "Nonlinear Microwave Response of a Bandstop Microwave Photonic Filter Based on a Photonic Crystal Nanocavity." in: International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM), 2014. OF5A.2. (Contributed equally)
- Gui C, Zhang Y, Xia J, Wang J, et al. "Experimental performance evaluation of analog signal transmission in a photonic crystal ring resonator." in: Advanced Photonics for Communications, 2014. IT2A.5. (Contributed equally)