Title:Programmable Photonic Circuits
Speaker:Wim Bogaerts, Ghent University, Belgium
Time:Dec. 4, 2024
Location: E-Valley
Title: Space-Devision Multiplexing: Advancing integration from optical fiber to optical transceiver
Speaker: Haoshuo Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Time: Oct. 25, 2024
Location: E-Valley
Title: When low-dimensional materials meet metasurfaces
Speaker: Cheng-Wei Qiu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Time: Oct. 18, 2024
Location: Rm 1-418, SEIEE Buildings
Title: On new frontiers of nanophotonics: fundamentals and applications
Speaker: Guangwei Hu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Time: May. 13, 2024
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Can we perform Coherent Detection without DSP in Datacenter Interconnects?
Speaker: William Shieh, Westlake University, China
Time: Apr. 1, 2024
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 光场时空调控
Speaker: Qiwen Zhan, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Time: Nov. 10, 2023
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 含时驱动光子体系的拓扑物理
Speaker: Qingqing Cheng, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Time: Feb. 22, 2023
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 人工微结构多维光信息调控及应用
Speaker: Xiangping Li, Jinan University, China
Time: Feb. 14, 2023
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Computational Nanophotonics: Basics, Challenges and Future Perspectives
Speaker: Salah Obayya, Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt
Time: Feb. 14, 2022
Location: Tencent Meeting, Meeting ID: 195-539-397
Title: OAM holography
Speaker: Xinyuan Fang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Time: Sep. 24, 2021
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 流光方寸,御息物联:面向未来的先进光信源
Speaker: Baicheng Yao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Time: May 12, 2021
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 用于高速、大容量光信息处理的硅基集成光学模式处理器件
Speaker: Yonghui Tian, Lanzhou University, China
Time: Sep. 2, 2020
Location: Rm 1-202, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Plasmonic Modulators based on Vanadium Dioxide
Speaker: Miao (Sunny) Sun, University of Melbourne, Australia
Time: Dec. 17, 2019
Location: Rm 1-402A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Comparison of entropy loading and bit loading in a multicarrier optical system
Speaker: William Shieh, University of Melbourne, Australia
Time: Oct. 29, 2019
Location: Rm 1-402A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Towards the smallest nanolasers
Speaker: Seng-Tiong Ho, Northwestern University, USA
Time: May. 25, 2019
Location: Rm 1-402A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: All-optical regeneration of wavelength-division-multiplexed signals
Speaker: Michael Vasilyev, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Time: April. 26, 2019
Location: Rm 1-418A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 全介质超材料:微纳拓扑光子学和微纳超平面光学
Speaker: Jianwen Dong, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Time: January. 14, 2019
Location: Rm 1-202A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 光网络的发展趋势及关键技术
Speaker: GangXiang Shen, Soochow University, China
Time: January. 10, 2019
Location: Rm 1-202A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Fabrication and applications of ultra-low-loss Si3N4 waveguides
Speaker: Xingchen Ji, Columbia University, USA
Time: December. 18, 2018
Location: Rm 1-418A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Silicon photonic integrated circuits
Speaker: Po Dong, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Time: November. 1, 2018
Location: Rm 1-418A, SEIEE Buildings
Title: 2D and 3D heterogeneous photonic integrated technologies for future computing and communication systems
Speaker: S. J. Ben Yoo, University of California, USA
Time: November. 14, 2017
Location: Rm 1-408, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Compact Brillouin devices through hybrid integration on silicon
Speaker: Benjamin J. Eggleton, University of Sydney, Australia
Time: August. 7, 2017
Location: Rm 5-508, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Fully reconfigurable photonic integrated signal processor
Speaker: Jianping Yao, University of Ottawa, Canada
Time: June. 23, 2017
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Space-division multiplexing in photonic integration, and optical fiber and chip coupling
Speaker: Haoshuo Chen, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
Time: June. 12, 2017
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Emerging silicon-germanium-tin integrated-photonics technology
Speaker: Richard Soref, University of Massachusetts, USA
Time: September. 13, 2016
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Stokes vector direct detection and few-mode fiber sensors
Speaker: William Shieh, University of Melbourne, Australia
Time: May. 27, 2016
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: An overview of the IBM CMOS Integrated Nano Photonic technology and process flow
Speaker: Doug Gill, IBM, USA
Time: July. 3, 2015
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Silicon Photonics at the University of Southampton, UK
Speaker: Graham Reed, University of Southampton, UK
Time: November. 17, 2014
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Software-Defined Cyberinfrastructure with Elastic Optical Networking
Speaker: S. J. Ben Yoo, University of California, Davis, USA
Time: November. 10, 2014
Location: Rm 5-508, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Plasmonic Application with 2D-Materials and its Near-field Optical Characterizations
Speaker: Zheyu Fang, Peking University, China
Time: November. 9, 2014
Location: Rm 2-615, Comprehensive Laboratory Building
Title: Advanced DSP for 400Gb/s and beyond optical networks
Speaker: Xiang Zhou, Google, USA
Time: May. 29, 2014
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur: 30 Years of Photonic Start-ups in Academia and Industry
Speaker: Simon Poole, New Business Ventures, Finisar, Australia
Time: Feb. 27, 2013
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Photonics R and D and The Broadband Transformation
Speaker: Chinlon Lin, AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore, NJ, USA (retired)
Time: Nov. 12, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Digital Signal Processing in Coherent Optical Communication Systems
Speaker: Chongjin Xie, Alcate-Lucent Bell Labs
Time: Nov. 6, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: VLSI Photonics: Science and Engineering of Micro/Nano-Photonics and Integration
Speaker: El-Hang Lee, INHA University, South Korea
Time: Oct. 8, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: High Symbol Rate Coherent Optical Transmission Systems
Speaker: Greg Raybon,Alcate-Lucent Bell Labs
Time: May. 4, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Fiber Nonlinearity Limited Information Spectral Efficiency for CO-OFDM Systems
Speaker: Xi Chen,The University of Melbourne
Time: Nov. 18, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Recent advances in fiber-based parametric devices
Speaker: Colin J. McKinstrie,Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucen
Time: Nov. 18, 2012
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Strategic Research and Innovation: An Excited-State Lifetime of Forty Years at AT&T Bell Labs
Speaker: Tingye Li,AT&T Bell laboratories(Retired) Boulder, Colorado 80304, USA
Time: Nov. 12, 2011
Location: Rm 3-100, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Integrated Photonic Systems and Optical Networking Technologies in Future Computing and Communications
Speaker: Professor S. J. Ben Yoo University of California, Davis Electrical and Computer Engineering
Time: Dec. 8, 2010
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Nano-Engineered Optical Fibers and Applications
Speaker: Ming-Jun Li, Corning Fellow Science & Technology, Corning Incorporated
Time: Dec. 7, 2010
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Physical Layer of Fiber Optical Communication and Sensor Systems
Speaker: Assistant Prof.Changyuan Yu,National University of Singapore
Time: Oct. 29, 2010
Location: Rm 5-508, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Multimedia Applications in an Integrated Optical-Wireless Network
Speaker: Prof. Stephen Weinstein, Columbia University, Former President of the IEEE Communications Society
Time: May 12, 2010
Location: Rm 5-508, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Ultra-high speed optical transport network-why and how?
Speaker: William Shieh, Associated Professor, The University of MelBourne
Time: Nov. 7, 2009
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: Injection locked laser diodes for access applications
Speaker: Dr.Alexandre Shen
Time: Novl. 7, 2009
Location: Rm 5-214, SEIEE Buildings
Title: The development of optical fibre and photonics
Speaker: Dr. David N Payne, Optoelectronics Research Centre,University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Time: April. 23, 2009
Location: Rm 5-1st Floor Conference Room, SEIEE Buildings